spill the details

It's about time you *finally* stop blending in with

every other photographer.

We create elegant brands and websites to help photographers stand out to the clients that they've been absolutely dying to work with.

Simply put, we’re going to make your ideal clients SO drawn to your brand that they HAVE TO hire you.

Your brand should be like a favorite song - resonating so deeply with your ideal clients,

see our services

brand and web design for photographers

they can't get it out of their heads.

Let's create a brand that they just can't skip.

because there's no  aimless guessing here- everything in this process is intentional.

We start with strategy

Let's get your brand stuck in your ideal client's head.

let's build a brand they can't skip

based around your style and what we discover will appeal to your ideal clients.

Then create bespoke visuals

that leaves your ideal clients wholeheartedly drawn to working with you.

And produce an unshakeable feeling

This is how we do it.

meet meagan - founder of luxelle studio

Coming from my background as a wedding photographer, I know what it’s like to feel stuck blending into a saturated market.

I know that frustration all too well (the ten minute version, because that was my reality for a LONG time). It wasn't until I created a strategic, elegant brand that I finally began standing out and attracting my dream clients. And I'm SO ready to help you do exactly the same.

learn more about meagan
schedule intro call

Here are the details...

Okayyyy, i see you thinking it might be time to rebrand.

Branding and Website Design

Having a strategic brand and website is what makes the difference between struggling to attract your ideal clients and standing out to them with ease. Services include:

•   A strategy meeting at the beginning of our project, before any design work starts

brand design

•   Logo and color design that reflects your personality and appeals to your ideal clients

•   A beautiful, strategic website that speaks straight to your ideal client's heart

Brand + web design


Website Templates

for the diy-ers who want a little extra guidance

If DIYing your website is practically making your hair fall out, you probablyyyy wouldn't mind some help. Luxelle Website Templates are designed to take the stress out of DIYing your website and make it as easy as possible for you to launch a website that attracts your dream clients like a magnet- yes, really.

browse the templates

•   Partially done-for-you copy and writing prompts to guide your every step.

•   Able to be launched in just a couple days - just plug in your copy and images!

•   Includes extensive training videos to answer your every question.

And if you're not quite sure yet who your ideal clients are...

I created this guide especially to help you determine who it is you want to attract and work with on the regular. Oh, and have I mentioned it's free?! Ditch those guessing games and download it now.

Let's build the brand that you can't believe you went this long without.

Fill out the form below, and we'll set up your intro call to talk all about your business and determine which services will help you the most!